
Repeating after eating? That’ll be the progesterone hormone. Eat little and often. Steer clear of broccoli, beans and alcohol as they could make gas and bloating during pregnancy worse. To help with constipation during pregnancy go for wholegrain cereals, bread and pastas. Read more on what to expect at 11 weeks pregnant.

What happens at 11 weeks pregnant?

At 11 weeks pregnant, baby is just over 41mm now - about the size of the most beautiful strawberry in the world. All of baby’s body parts are just starting to sit where they belong. Ears are on either side of baby’s head, eyelids are in place, hands and feet are in front of their body and there’s even hair follicles forming on baby’s crown.

Taste buds and organs are starting to form too, and baby’s body has developed enough for it to be measured in two ways: from the top of the head to the coccyx, and from the top of the head to the heels. Things are progressing in the chest cavity, with the diaphragm now separating the heart and lungs from the digestive tract.

When it comes to matters of the heart baby is fast and furious. Baby’s heart has started to beat between 110 and 160bpm (beats per minute), which is about double the pace of yours. Just think, in a week or so you might be able to hear baby’s heartbeat at your first pregnancy scan. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed the baby will be and vice versa, so try to take it easy.

What happens to your body at 11 weeks pregnant?

At 11 weeks pregnant, your tummy might be at that in-between stage where the lovely smooth baby bump hasn’t appeared yet, instead you look like you’ve had second (and third) helpings. That’ll be the bloating. Yet another side effect of those wonderful baby-friendly pregnancy hormones.

The good news? By week 14-16 you’re likely to have a beautiful little baby bump to show off. You might also be feeling more peckish these days— and that's good news too. It probably means your morning sickness is easing and your appetite is increasing to nourish that growing little human inside you.

The Relaxin hormone is also hard at work this trimester, softening your ligaments and muscles, which is great preparation for baby but not so great for you. You’ll be more achy, less stable on your feet and prone to injury during exercise – so take it easy.

What are the symptoms of 11 weeks pregnant?

Week 11 pregnancy symptoms sadly consists of headaches, feeling tired and moody and with maybe the occasional heartburn. These pregnancy symptoms are perfectly normal and not everyone gets them at the same time, and some women may not get the at all. Headaches can be quite common in the first trimester and should subside in the second trimester. Feeling tired and moody is down to pregnancy hormones again, try some gentle exercise; the endorphins can help lift your mood. You should get a lot more energy in your second trimester which is only a couple of weeks away.

Cramping at 11 weeks pregnancy is also quite normal. It will feel like mild period pain. It’s due to your uterus expanding and therefore your abdominal muscles and ligaments are stretching. So as your belly and foetus grows some cramping can be expected. If you notice any bleeding at 11 week pregnant contact your doctor or midwife immediately.


What to eat at 11 weeks pregnant?

If you’re suffering that ‘fuller than full’ bloated feeling, there’s a few ways to relieve it. Smaller meals more often will be easier on your digestive system. Also, add wholegrain cereal, bread and pasta into your pregnancy diet in case you’re suffering the ‘joys’ of constipation during pregnancy.

Hopefully you’re already drinking plenty of water – all drinks count towards your 1.5 litres a day. Just remember that caffeine is a diuretic so not the best for hydration or constipation, see this article for your caffeine limits.

We all know certain foods have a bad rep when it comes to bloating and wind – beans, broccoli and beer to name a few.

The latest advice on alcohol consumption in pregnancy is to avoid it altogether. Who knows, with all those food aversions you might have gone off the taste anyway.

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