Caring for yourselves
Amidst the busyness of parenting, it's crucial to remember self-care. Taking time for yourself allows you to recharge and it’s important to seek support from friends and family when you need it, they’ll be happy to help.
We have a wealth of information on parent self-care to help you, including how to deal with new mum emotions as well as recognising postnatal depression and knowing where to seek support. Knowing when to ask for support, and how to do so, is an important step for your own parental self-care as well as your baby’s.
Being a new parent can be both a rewarding and overwhelming experience. It's completely normal to have questions, doubts, and moments when you need a little extra support, especially when things don’t always go to plan. Our parent self-care articles will provide you with information and resources to help you navigate early parenthood from dealing with judgemental parents, mum guilt and feeling lonely to how to become a confident new mum. We’ll help you find your tribe, so you have all the support you need, because taking care of yourself as a parent is just as important as caring for your little one.