Baby feeding
Baby feeding is an exciting and ever changing journey, with ups and downs, lots of mess but also lots of fun – cue baby’s face the first time they try broccoli. As a parent, you play a crucial role in nourishing and supporting your baby's growth and development. This is quite the responsibility, but don’t worry we have the information you need to get you started.
In this guide, we'll explore the essentials of baby feeding, including combination feeding, the importance of iron in your baby's diet, food allergies and the importance of good gut health.
Combination feeding combines both breastfeeding and bottle feeding with either expressed breast milk or Follow-on formula milk. Our article covers how to establish combination feeding and tips for introducing the bottle.
Did you know that when your baby is born, about 75% of their iron is in their blood and about 25% is stored? As your baby grows the iron in this store is used up. We explore why iron is the superhero nutrient that plays a vital role in your baby’s development at this stage and iron rich foods to include in your baby’s weaning diet.
The health of our gut can influence our whole body, and our gut is very closely connected to our immune system. In our article Dr Child explores some amazing facts and tips on baby’s gut health and immunity. Food allergies and gut health are interconnected topics that have gained significant attention in recent years. Our article explains the difference between food allergies and food intolerances and how to spot the symptoms.
Now you’re armed with all the knowledge head over to our weaning section for tips and tricks on weaning.
Important notice: Breast milk is best for babies and breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible. SMA® Follow-on Milk is for babies over 6 months, as part of a varied weaning diet. Not intended to replace breastfeeding.